Monday 17 March 2014

new O.R.C web presents...

welcome to oRC blog archive. stuff add it as we addd it goooooo

a message from Desmond Blair, ORC :

museum documentary encyclopedia newspaper, bag of stuff on the internet
like life a mess with paterns in it, like orc music ,,, a mess with paterns in it.
an internet time capsule of orc things and stuff

yes please

xxx desmond

ps.. wots the blog called?

i wona add things.

love to you and beryl
we are geting older 
if we were trees we would have 31 rings, still quite small trees realy.
bark bark woof woof
im a wallnut tree
jeff steels my nuts
jeff should be on the blog.
if we were sqirels we would be dead, 

love des

a message from Beryl H Smith ORC:

shreddies and bacon for eva